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Become a Supporter

Here's how you can help!

Sponsorship funds will help offset the operating expenses of our events, school information booklets, Brave Hawaii Kid’s Scholarships, Trophies and Awards, travel to neighbor islands and TV Production. Your sponsorship will allow us to divert more proceeds to support B.R.A.V.E Hawaii. Our goal in 2025 is to reach another 50,000 students, launch the Brave Hawaii Leadership Academy and to create a State Scholar Pageant geared towards Hawaii’s community servants and future woman leader’s of Hawaii and Be The Star Competition.


A few reasons why you should become a sponsor of B.R.A.V.E Hawaii * Provides maximum exposure during media campaigns


* Sponsor status maximizes your company’s visibility
* You receive VIP Tickets to all B.R.A.V.E Hawaii Events

* Shows your company’s support of an important cause


Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs

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